No, this is not a post about some kind of sharp seeing, just a post about the popular programming language called: C# (Visual C#).
I've had the opportunity to learn C# in highschool (at a very basic level), but starting from there, I've learned a lot on my own and I can say I've done some pretty cool stuff, that I couldn't do (this easily) in other programming languages.
For example, I made a program which lets you manage the grades in a school. It also automatically calculated the final grades (grading system where I live is different from the US) and warned you if a student didn't have enough grades or wasn't at school enough to calculate his final mark. It was pretty cool and I've won some contest with this project.
Another cool thing, which I didn't get to finish, was a client-server application which acted like a very simple DOS-messenger. The server just listened for requests and redirected them to the proper client. The client had to just type the user it wanted to send a message to and the actual message. Pretty cool also.
C# is a very nice language to program in, it's actually one of the few environments, which I actually enjoy working with. It provides some nice tools like controllers for many useful stuff.
I didn't have the chance to try programming sites in C# (ASP.NET), but I will have to real soon and I will come back with a post about that aswell.
Until next time,
Yours truly,
Geek Master.
Hey man, I like how you managed to make C-Sharp look like a beautiful woman in the sundown, sorry for the language but I am from a non-englishspeaking country.I tried C-Sharp as well and it was fun, but I only begun one project and in after 2 years I didnt end it, Great Job Man, keep it up